
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

It's Here!

You can see that we have been busy working on getting our samplers framed (Julie's is ready for the framer now, but not quite there yet).  And while we've kept ourselves busy and working away on some surprises for January, our advance copy of what we now refer to as "The Book!" (the exclamation point is essential) arrived!  It's beautiful - everything we'd hoped for!  When we started on this journey, a little over a year ago,  we never dreamed what was in store for us.  It's been an up and down, roller-coaster of a ride as we "learned  by doing"!  We do have to say that it would not have been possible without the mentoring of our wonderful friend, Jacqueline Holdsworth of Needleprint.  She guided us through so many new avenues and saw us safely on our journey!  If there's another person more generous with her time, energy and spirit, we don't know who it could be!

We are thrilled with the results of our labors, and in this picture it's a little deceiving - this is a big book!  350 plus pages, filled with years of research, biographies, and pictures!  Over 100 girls' work is shown here in glorious color!  And the work done by the author - Joanne Martin Lukacher - is incredible!  She draws the reader in to a world gone by and shows how a unique sampler style came into being - how it is the result of the time and place it originated.  A fascinating study...

Here's a sneak peek!

Many of you have kindly been asking to be contacted when the book was ready for pre-ordering - we had lots to consider and finally we received all the shipping information as well as everything else we needed to price the book, and we are now ready.  

Imitation and Improvement will sell for $92.95 plus shipping and handling charges.  We are taking orders on our website and will be shipping in the second half of January, if all goes well with customs.  Naturally, any pre-orders will be filled first and you will receive your book as soon as we get them!

We will also let you know who, among your favorite needlework stores, and other sources, is carrying the book so you can save a bit on the shipping (it's a heavy book!)  So far, Attic Needlework in Arizona has ordered some.  As others do as well, we will let you know!  

In the pictures above you see two samplers that are "in the Norfolk style", and that, at first glance, look exactly alike, but they are not.  The chart to this original design is included with the book - and we hope you truly enjoy stitching it.  The classic Norfolk sampler, as shown on the cover of the book, is absolutely gorgeous, and we loved making our own chart with all the elements that go into the classic style.  Ours is shown stitched two ways.  Becky's is all counted work, except for the satin-stitch bows, while Julie tried the free-embroidery for the outside floral border.  The chart includes both ways so you can personalize the sampler the way you would like.  

Now, Santa would bring it a little late, but wouldn't this make a marvelous Christmas gift?  Sending this link to a loved one who might be wondering what to get you could be a good idea!

If you're a member of a guild - good news!  We are offering a 20% discount to any guild that places a group order of 8 books or more to one address (you'll save on shipping, too).  This is a great way to either pass on the savings to guild members (a wonderful perk for members) or to raise funds for all the guild does!  Either way, everyone wins!  

Now, of course, this is not the only thing we've worked on this year though it's certainly received most of our attention!  But we don't want you to forget that there's only a few weeks left to enroll in the Tokens of Friendship subscription!  Who doesn't want to receive a wonderful surprise in the mail, all gift-wrapped and ready to please!  Multiply that by four times in a year, and you have a gift that will really wow someone special!  

For a brilliant glint of gold - try our Gilded Swan - the latest in our line of boxed sets - something really special for yourself or someone on your gift list!  This hand-painted set comes complete with all you see here - so wonderful!  Each one is unique, as we make them up by hand.  The grain-painting is glittering with gold, and the special needlework tools inside are ready and waiting for you!

1 comment:

  1. The Book(!) is amazing. I'd love to own a copy, as you know I live right next door to Norfolk. It's a little beyond my pocket though, I'll have to save up and be extra good for Santa next year.
    I think your two samplers look great together too.


We love to get discussions going - please let us know what you're thinking!