
Thursday, September 20, 2012


Our workshop elves have finished some projects, and we are pleased to present several new products to our line that we hope you will enjoy.

Many of you have purchased our last specialty  box, Golden Splendor and we thought you might enjoy adding some additional toys to it.  If you didn’t have the opportunity to purchase a Golden Splendor box set, we have two left in stock.  Each of these special pieces can stand alone as well and be enjoyed all by themselves. Great for your own stitching box or to give as a gift to a friend.  I was reminded that Christmas and the holidays are approaching when I entered the store the other day and side by side were Halloween and Winter Holiday decorations!

Golden Splendor Quick Start Set to help you start your next project.

Golden Splendor bejeweled shoe with beautiful  jeweled pins, needle and a thimble for your finger.

Golden Splendor jacket complete with golden pearl pins, needles and three lovely silk threads on bone rings.

Golden Splendor Horn Book, another selection of beautiful shell pins and needle.  Just right to take along on your stitching day at a friend's or with your favorite guild.

We also have created a pretty Quick Start set from Elizabeth’s Garden sampler.

You can see these and our other products at our website where you can place your order.

Tokens of Friendship
Our last surprise token for this year will be mailed in November.  We have already been asked if we will do it again and the answer is yes! We have enjoyed creating these tokens for our subscribers and it seems they have enjoyed receiving them as well.  

This year's gifts so far!

Tokens of Friendship, for those not familiar with this program is a year-long subscription program that brings four unique gifts to you (or you can gift a special friend with a subscription) all beautifully wrapped. These are not available for sale in any other way than as a subscriber to Tokens of Friendship.  We will announce open subscription time in early November.  Subscriptions will be taken from November through January 15, 2013 for the 2013 program.  Mailings will happen again February, May, August and November 2013.  You might want to think about gift subscriptions for friends or for yourself when someone asks what you might want for the holidays!  We will have gift certificates for this as well as our regular gift certificates to our on line shop available.  We can send out email gift cards with messages as well to announce your gift to a friend. Whichever you prefer.  So watch the blog and the website for our announcement  early November and don’t delay or you might miss out!   We do love sending those surprises!


  1. Wow everything is so sweet..I love the shoe so is super sweet
    Hugs and love xxx

  2. Thank you, Cucki - we just love what we do, and it's so nice to hear that others like it too!


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