
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Books, Books, Books!

We love our books! Since taking on our new branch of publishing, Julie and I look at books in a whole new way. Before we even really look at the beautiful images and read the interesting text, we have to feel the paper, what is the weight, the finish, and the color?  What kind of cover did they use?  What special touches did they include? What font did they choose? What size book is it? Where was it published? These are things most of you wouldn't think about, but would just know you enjoy this book for more than what is inside.  

We are excited that currently there are several new books on sampler history and research available or becoming available this fall.  We are looking forward to sharing the book we are currently working on with all of you in February 2013!  You are going to enjoy the research Joanne Lukacher has put together on Norfolk Samplers.

Hopefully you have all purchased the new book from the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, written by Pamela Parmal, "Women's Work Embroidery in Colonial Boston".  

This book tells the stories of six women and how needlework shaped their lives in colonial Boston.  Those highlighted in this book are names some of us have heard before in the studies of various American needlework histories:  Mary Holingworth English, Mary Turfrey, Mary Fifield Adams, Susanna Hiller Condy, Hannah Otis, and Faith Trumbull Huntington.  It also talks about Boston Samplers and their makers and an area I find fascinating Dye Analysis of the Boston Schoolgirl Embroidered pictures, where they show you the needlework from the front, back and under ultraviolet light. Amazing how technology helps us to learn more and more about the history of these pieces.

We have been teased in several places lately about the upcoming release of the second volume of the Micheál and Elizabeth Feller Needlework Collection being published by Jacqueline Holdsworth of Needleprint, due out in September. 

This second volume is said to be the size of two books in one.  I know how beautiful the first volume was, with so many wonderful highlights of the images so you could enjoy the stitches up close and personal. The photography is always so beautiful in Jacqueline's books due in most cases to her special photographer Richard!  If you want to be tempted, see articles in the current Sampler and Antique Needlework Quarterly 

as well as the current edition of Text For The Study of Textile Art, Design and History Volume 39: 2011-2012 The Textile Society. This magazine is produced by the Textile Society in the UK and is well worth membership to receive the wonderful newsletters and publications on various goings on in the textile world.

The other book we are all waiting for this fall is by Dr. Gloria Seaman Allen, who is working on a book about the history of the samplers from the Washington DC area:  "Columbia’s Daughters: Girlhood Embroidery from the District of Columbia".  I know how much we enjoyed her book and exhibit on Maryland samplers, so this too, is sure to be a treat.

Watch for updates from your sampler guilds and favorite needlework shops on how to order these books for your own libraries.  It's so important to support the work of these researchers to keep the thread going and continue to find more and more information about the ladies and their needlework that we all love. 

Lest you think we have nothing on our minds but books, we are busy as little bees in our workshop as well - getting ready to launch some new products for the fall!  Meanwhile - our latest Tokens of Friendship gifts went out about two weeks ago - just a quick tease - 

I won't show an open package just yet, as we don't know that everyone has received theirs yet, and we hate to spoil the surprise for anyone!  We have such a good time designing and making these surprises!  The program has been a great success for us this year, so we will definitely be continuing next year - look for the sign-up in about mid-November!

Happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post! I can hardly wait for the new books, including yours!


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