
Saturday, August 6, 2011

K is for Kelpie and Kelim Stitch

The Kelpie is a mythological shape-shifting water demon in the shape of a horse from Scottish Celtic history that lures people, especially children onto it's back then takes them out into the water, where it kills and eats them. 

Usually found in lakes and rivers, but I did find a YouTube video story that showed it along the ocean shore.  What an alluring and beautiful creature with such a violent way about it.  There are also stories of Kelpies in British and Irish history.

Our special stitch today is the Kelim Stitchalso known as the Knitting Stitch or Tapestry Stitch.  It is considered to be a canvas stitch but often appears on samplers with Pattern Darning blocks and was perhaps a schoolroom exercise for repairing stockinette textiles, according to Eileen Bennett in The Red Book of Sampler Stitches.

This stitch can be affected by the weight of thread compared to the weight of ground fabric as told in Jan Eaton's book The Complete Stitch Encyclopedia.

Once again, you have just a taste of the stitch, as it is used to make the mane on the Kelpie.

Have fun with K is for Kelpie.  To get the free chart, click on the picture at the top of this page, or on Freebies in the side bar.


  1. Wow, never new that about the Kelpie. I have a dog whose breed is Kelpie, might explain a few things LOL


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