
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Calendars and Copyrights

You may have noticed a bit of a change in our format.  We've been thinking of adding a Calendar of Events to our page for some time - a single place to go to find out what needlework exhibits, classes, lectures, etc. may be happening in the coming months.  We've made a start - at the bottom of our page you will now find our Needlework Events Calendar - if you click on a particular event, it will open a little window with information about the event (whatever we could find).  We'd love it if this was as complete as possible - we'll do our best to keep it updated, and if you   know when there's something happening, please contact us at to let us know, and we'll add it.  You'll also find that, if you have a Google Calendar of your own, you can click on an event and add it to your own calendar!  To make room for this feature, we've changed the format to show just one post per page and moved the blog archive to the side bar.  We hope you use the calendar and enjoy finding out what's happening in the stitching world.

Don't you just love this Halloween-ish image?

Another topic that's been on our minds lately is Copyright!  This is an issue which comes up every once in awhile, and it's astounding the amount of misinformation that is out there.  We find that most people who infringe on copyright really don't mean to - they just don't know "what's what"! You hear so many differing views, and with the advent of the internet, and the ease of sharing, intellectual property becomes very difficult to protect.  Many people have talked about what's right and what's legal, but it's clear that this is a topic not easily sorted out - one which requires an on-going dialog.  And here's where the internet has become an ally!  There's a new blog out dedicated to copyright as it pertains to needlework - how timely!  When we went to investigate and then to become followers, we found that there were already quite a few people on board.  This is such an important issue and one which requires ongoing thought and discussion.  Here's hoping this new blog will help us all to understand our rights and obligations!  Check it out!


  1. This is great information. Just posted a link to my blog to share so that people are aware.

  2. What a great idea an event calender!

    But as for me, living on the other side of the ocean..... ;-)

  3. Ina, we want this to be very inclusive - you'll see that there are two items on there now that are on your side of the "big water". One is the Jacket Tour which is already underway, of course, and it's too late to get in on that, but the other is an exhibit in the Netherlands...

    We'll try to make sure we include everything we hear about - we just have to hear, so don't be shy telling us about events!


  4. The exhibition in Dordrecht is on my wishlist. I did hear about that one, but from now on I will keep an eye on your calendar.
    Thank you!


We love to get discussions going - please let us know what you're thinking!