
Saturday, February 6, 2010

More Pin Cushions

Oh, my, we do love pin cushions!  I don't think I realized how many I had, and Becky probably feels the same way.  We've been working hard on upcoming spring products so thought we'd fill this week's blog with a few more pictures!

Last week, I showed you some of my pin cushion dolls - here are some of Becky's:

 We found we had quite a few of the same ones.  We can both trace our love of the half-doll pin cushions to this little cutie below - a class we took.  Isn't she pretty? 

 I actually started with this fine fellow I purchased from the artist who taught the class.  His hat is my grandmother's thimble.
Becky loves all things from the sea:
And we both love Sailor's Valentines.

And we're able to find things in many of our favorite shapes:  Hands,


Strawberries (most of these are emeries)


Of course, shoes.

And there are a few shapes we didn't know we loved until we saw them, like this adorable mouse that Becky's daughter made for her.

Some simply express an unabashed love of pins!


And we have a wonderful group of stitching friends.  Every time we meet, someone makes some little gift for the group, and these are often pin cushions.

One of my favorites is teacup pin cushions - I've made many as gifts and to keep:

This teapot is my favorite - the cushion looks just like the teapot lid, doesn't it?

This is such an easy project and one so many people seem to appreciate.  In the next couple of days I'll upload a complete tutorial on how to make one of your own.  Of course, the first step is to find a tea cup - the smaller the better - so start scouring those flea markets and garage sales now!  Look for a demi-tasse, or even one from a doll's set.

Other things you'll need:
Pretty cloth (or a small stitched design that works well with the design on the china - I usually do this, and it makes a pretty little souvenir).  
A skein of knitting wool the same color as your cloth (or at least, one that won't show through and change the character of your finished piece).
Strong sewing thread - such as upholsterer's thread - any color - it won't show.
Sharp needle.
Glue (not necessary, but sometimes helpful) - any kind will work - it's to hold your cushion in the cup in case it has a mind of its own.

I'm working on those instructions now, as I'm teaching a workshop on this topic in a month or so for my guild, so this is a good time for me to get all my notes together.  I'll put them up by tomorrow.


  1. Those are beautiful! Love the variety and they are so cute!
    Love pincushions!

    Feathers in the Nest

  2. good morning dear ladies,

    what beautiful pin cushions!
    I love very old ones,too.
    You have some lovely old things here.
    thank you for sharing them.

  3. I just love all the pretty things you put into this post. I've been trying to find a pincushion doll forever, but haven't had any luck. I look forward to your teacup instructions. I have quite a few of my grandmother's, so I think it would be fun to make a pincushion out of one of them.

  4. Thank you for the lovely comments, ladies. We love old things, too, and go looking whenever we have a chance.

    Deb - check out the "junque" type of stores for half-dolls. Sometimes, you find them without the pin cushion, or with the pin cushion in such bad shape, you really can't leave her dressed like that, though sometimes you get lucky! Another great way to go is to purchase a new reproduction - that's what I did with the obviously new one I showed last week. This dealer in Australia does gorgeous work and her prices are great!

    I got her skirt design from an old issue of the online magazine, Gift of Stitching - November 2007, Issue #22. It's a wonderful design by Giulia Manfredini. Her finishing instructions are great, too - if I can do it, then anyone can!

    You'll find lots of half-dolls (both old ones and reproductions) online, too.


  5. Becky and Julie, I just love your blog and this tutorial on the teacup pin cushion is exactly what I need to finish one.
    Keep it up cause it's soooo entertaining and useful for us who don't quite know what we want to do, lol.


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