
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Influences on Greek Embroidery

We ran across the most interesting article and just HAD to share it with you!  It goes into great detail about the history surrounding Greek embroidery and how foreign influences came to the shores of the Greek Islands.  Not only a fascinating read, but be sure to click on all the links - there are charts, tutorials and lots of "value added" items!  We spent a few hours there...

Jacqueline noticed that we had a broken link above, which I have fixed.  She wondered if we meant this one, which we didn't, but find it to be greatly interesting too!   Thank you so much!

We are so excited - we're off to MESDA in Old Salem, near Winston Salem North Carolina, March 17 through the 19th for their textile seminar: “Trees of life bear fruits of love”: New Research in Southern Needlework and Textiles.  We've booked our flights, have our rental car and hotel reservations and we're jumping up and down over here in the Seattle area. (well, not ALL the time, but a LOT).  We attended one of these wonderful seminars two years ago and loved it - can't wait to go back and join in the fun again.  If you're planning on being there, be sure to say "hi" to us - we'll be the two taking copious notes!  :D

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if you mean your link to be: ?


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