
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Adam and Eve again

We are so excited - I told you we "had our eye" on a couple of Adam and Eve samplers - but they ran away and hid.  Actually, we were bidding on one of them in an online/regular, live auction in Chicago.  Luckily, we had set a firm price we couldn't go above, because it really is hard to rein in your enthusiasm while the bidding is going on - something "else" just takes over!  But that Adam and Eve decided not to come to Seattle to play.  Little did we know that two days later we'd find one that DID want to come to Seattle!  

If you love antique samplers and would like to see some that are for sale, go here.  Madelena Antiques is a favorite company for us to go and drool and very occasionally buy!  And buy we did the other day.  We won't show you the whole sampler, but here's a little "taste".


Don't they look like a fun couple?  We're thrilled.  We actually found TWO samplers we couldn't live without on Madelena's site - you really ought to check it out!  If you look here you'll find an article on samplers at the bottom of the page.  And if you email Madelena Antiques at you'll be able to get on their email list - a notification every week when new samplers are put up for sale!


  1. Woot!! Congrats on the win. You can't beat an A&E sampler! Thanks for sharing the info on A&E that you did in your previous post, too.

  2. Una Sola Palabra Precioso. Un saludo

  3. A paradise of samplers....I just love it.
    But with those prices I better keep on stitching them myself ;-))


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